Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getsu Fuhma Den

Looking back I wonder what I have accomplished in life since the last post i made; I believe my sanity had left me in the year since.

If legends are born then today I will make a new legend.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ikaruga: My Defination of a true Hero

I know I can't save the world, or change the universe, but I just want to reduce the suffering of everyone around me. That is my justice.

---This was said by the famous ninja of the Ikaruga clan, Bang Shishigami before he fought the famous swordsmen Hakumen. Upon Bang's defeat he simply did not die, but vanished and later that night Hakumen stared into the night sky and saw the stars shine with what seemed to be Bang's face.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Magical Dreamers...

What was the start of all this?

When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp the answer now

from deep within the flow of time...

but, for certainly, back then

we love so many, yet hate so much

we hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

yet even then, we ran like the wind,

Whilst our laughter echoed, under celurean skies...

One day, when our lives are apart,

I won't forget any of you.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Bloodedge

Tonight we stand strong in place,
To defeat the devious people,
To put on a strong face,
Lost forever, out into space,

Battle never ends,
Comrades and friends,
The loss of the coin toss,
We learn who truly is boss
At the ultimate cost.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Everyone and their stupid thoughts and ideas.
You can all fuck off.

Every single one of you fucking idiots

Sunday, April 19, 2009

To become more then just human... Part 1

Humans live.
Humans multiply.
Then Humans die.

This is the code of living the mortal life...
To transcend to immortality.
One must leave a mark.
So there name is never forgotten in the Annuals of Time.

He who can be remember for any thing he does far beyond his life time, is he who truly becomes immortal.

To Understand Love

Love is something that is hard to explain.
But easy to understand once you truly know its meaning.

What love is... It is a music.
A silent music.